
Friday, May 24, 2013



        I am worried about my future. Really it is my Family's future.

            Here's why.

            The new world USA presently has a crummy President, and he has hired similar lightweights. Who knows how they will both react and act if something that threatens our national survival occurs. That many of these people come across as immoral and "their ends justify the means" only amplifies my worries. That they use lying as one method of ruling reminds me of the royalty way of ruling, like the king and his court. Often the President doesn't even seem to know what is going on, or it seems to me.

            The probably of serious financial problems looms ever larger for all of us.

            The new world USA is unilaterally disarming. Yet despots still remain.

            The new world USA has been dumbing down its population going on decades.  One popular saying these days is "low information voter".

            The phrase "trust, faith, and confidence", or themes like that,  seem to be popping up all over. Even phrases like impeachment, revolution, and civil war seem to be spoken more these days.

            Too many elected leaders seem to have a priority on change, vice reinforcing success over failure. It's like I thought we elected them for one reason, and now they are doing something else more personally oriented, like their objectives. Said another way, it is their way, or the highway. And I thought they were just "representatives".

            I did not imagine well enough how fragile our USA future might be.

            Well,  I am never one to worry without making plans and considering alternatives.

            Here's what I am doing.

            My priorities these days are making some electricity and growing food, just in case. That's  it.

            I am working on improving security for what I have if times should get threatening to myself and my Family. I am not up to the Rhodesian level, but those ideas do go through my mind.

            I am doing some stockpiling, and working out a rotation and shelf-life set of tables, mostly to resist wastage.

            I am becoming more Golden Rule oriented,  especially because I have to think about things. That may sound like I am becoming more religious. Maybe I am. I even accept the worse case, that many may die, including me, because of things.

            I am becoming more thankful for all my past Marine and scout training, and the set of standards I lived by, which are not that high and pretty much the basic things.

            Well, I can still think, read, and worry, too. Can you believe this report in May of 2013. This is not what I imagined my old age might come to in the new world USA, even if we muddle through somehow.

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