
Monday, March 11, 2013

Who is paying for all this?
       The quick answer is we all are, that is those that are working and hence paying taxes.
            Now "this" is all the entitlement things. And some of it appeals to me, like helping those in need during their time of need. I even accept if the government gets involved in charity, including the federal government.
            In the meantime, charity, like help and food banks and other such things, are up to me and other like minded citizens. So is my opinion. The government tax burden on top of all that is enough to make me think, mostly about my priorities. Even I can go broke.
            But I also know where I live a younger  person lives, who just had a 40th birthday, and who basically refuses to work. And he has survived so far, and is somewhat proud of it by his words. And he has many female "friends with privileges" who are about as bad. Most are from scotch-irish roots, by the way. Even that idea hurts my feelings.
            And he does have to accept setbacks now and then, which he does do. His ego can handle it. Like his teeth are going bad.
            And he, and most, don't expect him to live to old age, whatever that is. But so what, like when he dies it someone else's time and expense to depose of him, usually a burial. Said another way, it is someone else's problem to dispose of him, and pay for it.
            What I fear is what is going to happen when it all collapses, like when even government charity is not enough. Are are these type people ready for it, like having to live like the rest of us?
            I fear that is not the case, and then I will be presented with a problem to solve.
            After all, I do want to help my fellow man. At least the fellow man and woman who want to work for the common good, including their own good. The rest can die and rot for all I care.
            But does that also mean I have to grow food and share it with those who simply won't help me? Even the poor get hungry, just like me. And why do I sense a need to even provide security for the food I grow? The obvious answer is that I expect human scavengers to mess with my food I am growing.
            So the question remains, who is going to pay for all this in the present scheme of things?
            And the obvious answer is that I am on my own.
            Or at least I better plan that way, and let the rest sort out.

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