
Saturday, March 30, 2013


-by SARM and Friends-




skip's running
freckles on the sun
time to talk

-Marge Simon (U.S.A.,
Editor of Star*Line - Journal of the Science Fiction Poetry Association)-


…5 (lines)


That dot on the Sun is - guess what?
That's right, it's a very dark spot.
If you're no fool,
You know that it's cool -
It's the rest of the Sun that is hot.

-Dr. David Asher (Northern Ireland,
Armagh Observatory)-

…4 (lines)


I am hungry for space
And, in cooking, an ace,
So I’d eat something hot,
Probably a sunspot.

-Andrei Dorian Gheorghe (SARM)-

…3 (lines… SUPER-HAIKU!)


Blindingly bright light,
cast strikingly dark against
the brilliance around it.

-Bruce Boston (U.S.A.,
the first Grand Master of science fiction poetry)-

…2 (lines)


“I’m not mad or sad”, the Sun said,
“Although I have spots on my head!”

-Andrei Dorian Gheorghe (SARM)-

…1 (line)


A spot on the Sun, and the Swan is crying…

-Andrei Dorian Gheorghe (SARM)-



Galileo first
to see spots on sun cried “It’s
not perfect”: love smiled.

-Steve Sneyd (U.K.,
Editor of Hilltop Press)-


spots of ink on the sun -
fingers of
child God

-Boris Marian (SARM)-


a southern blemish
three times earth's size
tomorrow's aurora

-Gerald England (U.K.,
Editor of New Hope International)-


Various spots
on the face of the Sun -
allergic medium

-Zigmund Tauberg (SARM)-


My Sun of love,
showing me your secret spots,
causes such move.

-Paul Roggemans (Belgium,
General Secretary 1988-1996 of the International Meteor Organization)-


Lake of light
spotted by a
dark isle

-Iulian Olaru (SARM)-


sun spots
through the helioscope
August storm

-Deborah P. Kolodji (U.S.A.,
President of the Science Fiction Poetry Association)-


Strange spots…
Does the Sun divulge
his hidden wounds?

-Dominic Diamant (SARM)-


Performing their dance
Across the face of the sun,
...Solar dervishes!

-Arlene Carol Brill (Turkey)-


sublime contrasts of colour -
stars in the night
spots on the sun

-Andrei Dorian Gheorghe (SARM)-


Once thought as a blemish
The spots which cover the Sun's face
Are essential for it shining.

-Dr. Geoffrey H. Grayer (U.K.,
International Meteor Organization)-


Sometimes the Sun
holds out his arms
and smiles with freckles

-Ion Moraru (SARM)-


Little black holes in the Sun:
by the Cupid meteor stream.

-Jean-Marc Wislez (Belgium,
International Meteor Organization)-


painting in fire
stellar ensigns stolen by waves -
enchanting mermaids

-Cristina Slovineanu (SARM)-


controlling sunspots
God's own billboard is perfect
for Coppertone ads

-David Kopaska-Merkel (U.S.A.,
Editor of Dreams and Nightmares)-


Sun’s nightmares
a goddess’ exorcism
solar spots

-Dan Mitrut
(Vice-President of SARM)-


Our bright yellow sun
Seems perfect squinting at it,
Yet spots mar its orb.

-David Turner (U.K.)-


Spots on the Sun -
celestial mirror
of our deeds

-Valentin Grigore
(President of SARM)-



she's 11 years
old and her freckles burn black
chasms breathe hot wind

-David Kopaska-Merkel (U.S.A.,
Editor of Dreams and Nightmares)-


A man saw spots
even on the Sun.
Enlightened, he went to sleep.

-Boris Marian (SARM)-


Sometimes our sun seems sick.
Countless sunspots look like damaging gunshots.
Only the amazing aurora would heal him.

-Jos Nijland (Holland,
International Meteor Organization)-


“Refreshing magnetism!
This spot is quite cold!” -
said a sunwalker.

-Andrei Dorian Gheorghe (SARM)-


Pimples on the Sun!
That means
… that our star is still young!

-Danut Ionescu (New Zealand,
Auckland Astronomical Society)-


Ample combustions?
Demonic storms?
I see just sunspots.

-Dominic Diamant (SARM)-


Darkness it seems but
is no nearer cold than eyes
you aim, this sunspot.

-Steve Sneyd (U.K.,
Editor of Hilltop Press)-


A contrast between sunlight
and something that should not be there,
but it is…

-Victor Chifelea (SARM)-


Those Astronomers looking at me
Describe my spots with a Butterfly Diagram
While I make the butterflies!

-Dr. Geoffrey H. Grayer (U.K.,
International Meteor Organization)-


How can spots exist
on the Sun?
Genetic mutations…

-Cristian Miala (SARM) and Andrei Dorian Gheorghe (SARM)-


A sunspot -
our star expressing
her emotions

-Simona Vaduvescu (Hawaii)-


hurried courage
developing on the sun
explosions with loving marks

-Cristina Slovineanu (SARM)-


acne outbreak
homework assignment
on sun spots

-Deborah P. Kolodji (U.S.A.,
President of the Science Fiction Poetry Association)-


Few tears of night
in the Eye of the Master -
illusion of dark

-Iulian Olaru (SARM)-


message in the spots
a benediction of storms
is her perfect face

-David Kopaska-Merkel (U.S.A.,
Editor of Dreams and Nightmares)-


The Sun does not see
his own spots.
Do we see ours?

-Boris Marian (SARM)-


Islands of change rise,
float on flamelight, pretend
us - aimed beauty spots

-Steve Sneyd (U.K.,
Editor of Hilltop Press)-


sun and us -
sundry visions between
light prominences and dark spots

-Andrei Dorian Gheorghe (SARM)-

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