
Monday, March 11, 2013

Helping my baby giant sequoia tree on the Cumberland Plateau
       First the good news.
            I planted this two year old tree from California a couple of days ago, and limed and fertilized it, too. Plus I watered it, too.  And I planted it thinking if it survived up where I live, it would be a good monument to a dog I thought well of during my life time.  Now the odds suggest the tree won't make it, but hope does spring eternal. Other similar trees have survived. And over time the dog and I will be forgotten, maybe be remembered in some genealogy database. So be it.
            And today it is raining is this pre-spring time, but for sure the baby planted tree is being watered.
            Now the bad news.
            The tree may not make it. And I am off to my fallback, which is to plant many chestnut oak acorns, hoping to train one into becoming a bush. Only time will tell. And if that even fails, then I guess I will just transfer a baby chestnut oak out of the forest, and hope for the best.

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