
Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Another dead American in Afghanistan
       Slowly but surely I am becoming dissatisfied with reading another obituary of a fine young American who has died at the hands of another Afghan human who simply murdered him for his own reasons. And in a police station where they worked together.
            And our earlier decision makers got us to where we are today. Now I remember the debate back then, like after we kicked the Taliban out,  our decision makers kept us there. Later the whole thing morphed into "nation building". And our old leaders got us to that point, too. And now a fine young American is dead in 2013, through no fault of his own, or so is my opinion.
            Now even in my time in the Marines, we would often say I don't want to fight people in their own country, defending their own Families and people.  Same thing  goes for us. I don't want to fight Americans in their own land defending their own Families and people. Is that simple enough? And I still think most of us will fight in our own land for our own Families and people.
            Now I am not an Obama fan, but hopefully he and his hired minions are getting us out of this mess. Said another way, let the Afghans have their land and culture. And if the Taliban comes back in and perpetuate other atrocities on we in the USA, then let's go back and fight, again.  Like kick them out again, and then get out. But no more nation building, over ten years, and with yet another obituary years later. Said another way, there are things worth fighting for, but nation building in Afghanistan is not one of them, to me.

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