
Sunday, March 10, 2013

Fresh air and a dying old dog
      It's always sad when a Family dog finally dies of old age.
            So it is for me, too.
            In my case, the old dog is around age 14, which is old for a dog. And her hind end has gone out, like she can't walk to even go out to go the bathroom.  So she periodically pees and poops and lives in her own mess, and I get to clean it all up.
            Now I live in the country (like a rural area), so I know the routine. Normally that means put the dog down, like kill it, in order to give the dog some dignity, mostly out of respect, and as painful that will be to me.
            But times have changed, at least to me. That means letting the dog suffer until it dies naturally of old age and misery, and its own dignity.
            I've done this, before, too.
            Even a friend has taken a camera phone picture of her, and put it on Facebook.
            Which is fine with me, but this dog is going to die of old age, and is dying of old age, and I hope to support her dignity.
            In the meantime, the room the dog lives in, and I live in,  is having its air replaced by fresh air from outside.
            After all, I have to live, too.

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