
Wednesday, December 05, 2012

Salt 101
       Bottom line, we humans need salt in order to live.
            At one time, salt was literally worth its weight in gold. That's how hard it was to get for so many people. And how important it was to them.
            And our animals know it, too. There are many salt licks around.
            Now salt is easily available today, and we have a salt epidemic, like we have too much salt that adversely affects we humans, mostly in our diets. After all, salt makes most things taste better to we humans.
            Now even I remember during Marine training in my time, we had to take salt tablets in the morning and the evening, and the drill instructors watched us to make sure we took these tablets. And we usually had  white collars from all the sweat we had from training. So it made sense, to me.
            Later I shared this experience with two doctors, and both agreed that we need salt, really sodium, but all things in moderation also applies, which made sense to me.
            Even through, one biker athlete formula is basically just sodium and potassium. The intent is just to prevent cramps, and it works for me, along with water, by the way. And even the original Gatorade formula included a lot of sodium, I think. Not what's in it these days, I do not know.
            So what are you going to do where you live? I know where I live I will keep salt around, like a lot, and just in case.

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