
Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Boy, am I naive
       There was a time when I thought and believed national political parties, like the present day Republicans and the Democrats existed mostly to allow we the people to express ourselves, like rule the Country through our vote.
            Now it seems like the National Parties have morphed into letting their existence and political and tax payer money influence dominate National interests. And ignore we the voters along the way as a lower priority.
            Well I guess I am naive enough to have thought my vote counts, too; and win, lose, or draw.
            And I often wondered what our ancestors thought during the time of the American Revolution from England. Now I sense I know, though the circumstances are obviously different today.
            And, in the best American way, we have always had third parties. For example we had a National party called the Whig Party.
            Now I suspect, really predict, the same kind of process is going on throughout the new world USA today.  Said another way, between the thoughts of our ancestors during the times of the American Revolution, and sensing other things going on in today's times, much change is coming. And it will happen to include a new third National Party arising and lasting at least as long as the Whig Party did.
            Lord knows, if this happens, I sure hope they do better than the present circumstances, in today's times. Said another way, I sure hope my naiveté can be requited for my progeny's and our Country's benefits. After all, the idea of a win win is still valid.
            Said another way, we the people can make it happen, if we want to.

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