
Thursday, December 06, 2012

Boys and Girls are Different
       Thank goodness.
            And the success of humans on planet Earth is probably due to the differences being so influential.
            Of course some things are obvious, like the physical differences, and not just the sexual stuff, but even things like the influence of testosterone and estrogen, how we think, and our priorities.  Just go to Walmart and count the aisles dedicated to women's health and beauty compared to those aisles dedicated to men's health and beauty.  Vive la différence.
            Hence I find it remarkable in many cultures, especially those in the West, that many tend to try emphasize sameness and equality.
            Having been around the world, literally and figuratively, I more interested in people being happy, like having self respect and dignity. And a good quality of life while we are alive is also a priority to me. And along the way, also I honor the differences between boys and girls, men and women,  as best I can. And you can, too.
            And for sure, boys and girls are different. And thank goodness for it.
            Now many of us know all this, but some don't, and often they are the fly in the ointment, an old time expression.

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