
Thursday, February 28, 2013

Political and social power
       What a sad state of affairs is this idea still continues.
            Said another way, some humans want to impose their ideas and will on the rest of those people they rule.  Whether they are right or wrong is up to others, to include those who want to impose their beliefs. Even religion comes into things, too.
            Here's a wiki link on political and social power:
            As for me, I choose to make up my own mind, whether I live in east Tennessee presently, or even in Turkey or Japan, in my past.  The one theme I perceive is that most human leaders are similar.
            Now there is always a Plan B. Like let the people rule themselves as best they can. To me this idea is better than ideas like dictatorship, royalty, war lord ship, or any of the other means of governing, ruling if you will.
            Now it appears it is the new world USA's time to go through the process.
            In my case, hope does spring eternal.  Now this idea will take some time and effort, like even fighting.  So be it, if it even comes to pass.
            Even said another way, change does take time. Even said another way, being ahead of one's time can also be said as one is just a crummy ruler during their time.

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