
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Who is to blame for the sad state of affairs in the new world USA

       Is it the absurd levels of federal laws that bureaucrats have to implement? 

            For example, there is now a USA federal law about design of put put golf courses.

            Or is it the bureaucrats themselves?

            There is a third choice, like the congressional staffers asserting their influence, too. And their bosses voting their designs and budgets.

            And of course, there is the fourth choice, like the federal Congress itself, and even the federal Executive, too.

            So if things sound too incredible to believe or accept, perhaps that is just what seems to be happening these days.

            And then, I guess there is another choice to think about, too. Perhaps a century or even half century of dumbing down our education of our children (and now voters);  having our governments'  implement policies and practices that support the single parent Family (no wonder we have gangs that rape and pillage), and even using tax payer money to pay those who filch off of the truly poor, is finally coming home to roost. I personally know a fellow (age 41) who chooses to live off of the government benefits, vice being a minimum wage worker at Burger King, for example. He would be a good Burger King worker, if that was his choice.

            What really upsets me is the dumbing down of our children, who truly benefit by education for a solid successful culture, any culture or tribe.

            Now all these ideas are what we citizens have our governments for, and if they don't produce, then it is time to replace them by the vote, the theory being we citizens are still in charge of our fate.

            Along this line of thought, please remember a lot of our elected leaders are doing a good job. It's the crummy ones we ought to replace in deciding our future.

            I  truly believe in the idea of a United States of America.  But also, I am planning for the worse case, like every man for himself these days.  Mostly I will feed myself (from growing food) and my Family, and defend it, too, often from local riff raff.  What a sad state of affairs that I can even think this way in the new world USA in 2012.

            So who to blame?  Or just plan ahead, and sort it out later?

            My opinion is just to start to take charge wherever you live, and then let it sort out. Said another way, it is best to be a leader than a blamer. Most anyone can be a blamer.  Leaders live, blamers die.

            Go for it, like be a leader by example. One has to start somewhere.

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