
Sunday, June 10, 2012

Change we can believe in

       This is what I believe is going on in the USA.  And I have some guesses about the rest of the world, too.

            1)  A third party is arising in the USA. There are many precedents, too. This arising is more a movement than some other kind of short term effort. By movement, think of the hippy movement from decades ago, as an example.  Now even today many believers of the status quo will attempt to define this movement (including as a Tea Party), but they are simply out of touch. Just what the name will be, I do not predict, but I am confident it will be full of what are called present day democrats, republicans, and independents, Americans all.

            2)  The two national USA parties are in decline, and will fall off the horizon in the next two decades. The focus should be the country's prospects, not the political party's prospects. This idea extends to all levels, like local, county, state, and federal. After all,  I seek safety (like police and fire), clean water and waste water efforts, and help when we get sick, and national defense, all as priorities, to me.

            3) A century of progressive and liberal political leadership and practices and laws has failed in the new world USA.  Ideas like spending money to show good intentions are beginning to pail by the ideas of results.

            4)  All other forms of governments, like tribal, royalty, and even dictatorships will decline after much friction, and the ascendency of we regular citizens will arise. Parliamentary governments are a toss up to me, right now. And I don't think of myself as a serf.

            5)  After a century, the media types will no longer be able to advance their politics on to the rest of the population in the next two decades. The independent citizens will simply "shop" elsewhere when they lose trust and confidence.

6)  After two centuries, the respect in thought and hiring derived from Ivy League (New England)  academics will decline (they simply screwed the pooch). Now being educated is a big deal, for those who practice the idea, and many others will benefit from that idea.

7) Formal religions for humans will decline.  Though in the same vein, being religious is still alive and well, and some kind of revolution in organizing worship will most likely occur.

8)  Definitions of the USA poor will change.  Being "poor"  in the new world USA will no longer become a political and voting advantage.  The truly poor will be helped, but the filchers and lazy people will suffer, as they should have it happen to them.

9)  And last...
            Our human success on this earth finally needs balance, like less babies and humans.  I predict most humans will pick up on this idea, and figure it out in their own way and own culture.  This idea has nothing to do with the present day global warming  political fad, but more to do with common sense, where ever you live.  After all, we want our kids to do well in their life.

Bottom line.  I am pretty hopeful. And we humans are doing it, too.

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