
Sunday, June 17, 2012

Time for another change

Time for another change

       Mostly it is a change in politicians in our governments, in general. Now some politicians are doing pretty good jobs, so we don't want to throw out the baby with the dirty bath water.

            There is a trend of federal executives from both national parties simply saying what laws they will, or won't enforce, to include something relatively new called "signing statements". Recently, our present federal executive, and a hired minion, have de facto "ruled" on a new law, or a policy, or practice to them. And I thought our legislatures passed laws, signed by executives, and enforced by oaths was the way we ruled in the new world USA.

            Perhaps I am too naive, like oaths and words mean things to me.  Wedding vows also come to mind. Inaugurations are more than mere ceremonies.

            So in my timeline, certain individuals ought to go through the impeachment process, and be impeached. Now this is a slow and deliberative process, to include political calculations I think, but must be done. And in the meantime we have election processes.  All these things take time, but so be it.  And if politicians don't want to go through all this impeachment turmoil, or even put off impeachment hoping that elections will do the deed,  then we voters can replace them, too.  This will also take time.

            So in my mind, all this may take a decade or so, but in a republic as old as the new world USA, a decade is not too long for the future of our Nation, and our Families and children. After all, they expect pragmatic action by the present voting public, in my opinion.

            Today's good news in that his kind of change has already started where I live in rural east Tennessee. Now I can't say for places where I don't live.

            And I am confident the muddle through process will apply in many places. So be it.  At least the change process has begun, and again, in my timeline, will take time, like normal.

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