
Tuesday, October 02, 2012

Trust, faith, and confidence

            This old time expression is just as valid now as in the past.

            Now I was introduced to it in the military, where superb operators often get promoted into leadership positions that may be above their best abilities, and their bosses lose trust, faith, and confidence in their leadership of their organization.  It happens all too often, even when selection boards are involved.

            Yet when one thinks about it, the expression applies to so many other things in Families, educations, investments, businesses, and politicians leading governments.

            And the normal responses vary from voting with our feet, voting with our pocketbooks, voting for various politicians, just sharing our thoughts, and other indirect things depending on where you live.  Said another way, all people at all levels can do a little something about their and their Family's circumstances and their future.

            It just depends on the situation, be you a new world American, a member of an old world clan or tribe, or anything in-between.

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