
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Kudos to some former leaders in the Marine Corps

       They are Al Grey and Chuck Krulak; both ended up becoming Commandants of Marines because they were sharp.
                        Al Grey was a bundle of energy who read a lot. He even came up with the "warrior" term one hears so often these days, plus bringing back the term "expeditionary" which had been retired earlier. I remember him mainly for starting the integrated ideas of professional military education (PME) for officers, staff non-commissioned officers (Staff NCO's), and non-commissioned officers (NCO's). And of course his idea of reading lists for the various rank levels as one needs more knowledge as they rise up. And he focused like a light beam on trigger pullers, and improving the tooth-to-tail ratio.
                        Chuck Krulak actually implemented and improved much of the schooling ideas restarted by Al Grey.  In my mind he even extended the idea down to start at boot camp in initial training. Even now  I think Marines are believed to be good soldiers with commando type training and can-do thinking, but still less that a special operations trained person.  And I think he also started the idea of the Marines and Navy being a 911 force for the USA. That he was flexible and used improvisation was demonstrated, to me, when he used the Consumer Reports method of dots, full, half-full, and empty, when explaining a force reduction plan.
                        Both were true leaders each in their own right, and kudos to them.
                        Said another way, they were better than competent...they were true leaders.

                             And the good news is that the world is just oozing with young leaders growing up in the world to continue in their ancestors ways.


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