
Saturday, August 03, 2013

West Nile virus

West Nile virus

       A long link on this subject can be found at:

            Where I live in east Tennessee, west nile virus has become a factor I have to think about and plan for.

            There was a time in our nation's history we drained our wetlands to reduce the mosquito threat. Maybe we'll go back to that standard?  For example, in one 23,000 acre plantation I worked at, we had 63 miles of mostly human dug ditches to do just that. None of these diseases we want to get, including west nile virus these days.

            Mostly, and having lived in areas with malaria, we don't want to get malaria if we can avoid it, which of course we have learned how to avoid it. There is no cure, but there are preventives. Same goes for west nile virus, and many of the other mosquito borne diseases that affect we humans.

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