
Friday, August 30, 2013

The destruction of a way of life

The destruction of a way of life

       All roads take you there when you don't know where you're going

            In my opinion, the USA has a lightweight President, who is not too smart, has frittered away all the wonderful educational  advantages he had, and has hired a bunch of similar lightweights. Our form of federal government under this President is approaching royal arrogance that is not very American. And the USA has a "perfect storm" of poor political leaders that seem to tolerate all this.

            And many in our culture seem to be supporting all this, too. Now so many of them are going to have to die needlessly to correct this, naturally I suspect. What a shame. And by natural I mean cold, wet, hungry, and generally dying  a miserable death. Those who die from pandemics quickly might be the better off, all in all.

            Perhaps all this is inevitable, but at age 65 I know it is not. Now change is inevitable, and change to try improve things makes sense. Change for the sake of change is not usually productive.  The "new normal" is not acceptable to me.  There is a better way. And I know it, and so do many others. The insane or poorly educated or immoral people are not in charge of the asylum and society in general. There is a reason we have, or had, a constitutional republic. Note it is a republic, not a democracy. Our elected leaders are supposed to represent us. And some already do. All should!

            The practical implications to me are simple. Now I am going to have to help my fellow man who is suffering as best I can help them.  The statistics are pretty simple to me. Somewhere around 20% of Americans are really hurting, and I sense a need to help them as best I can. But I also have to help myself, and my Family and their children along the way. Expect some tough love to be applied, all around.

            These young people still have their future in the new world USA, and this idea alone is something worth fighting for.

            Last, where I live in rural east Tennessee,  this area is full of past and failed commune ideas and "share the wealth" ideas and hippy ideas. I guess some just have to learn it and fail all over again. But not at my expense...not money but life and living  and a future for my children in general.

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