
Saturday, November 24, 2012

Is dictatorship coming back in to fashion?
       Now the idea is as old as humanity, and has failed before, but it sure likes we present day humans want to try it again in so many places.
            Often it is an egomaniac, like Obama, that influences the action. Also often are ideas like the Muslim Brotherhood advancing their religious way done on the rest of us. Even Pol Pot in Cambodia had his ideas, too, and many millions died as a result. Starving to death is not a fun experience. And often it also a tribal leader just expanding his way to rule. How about a king or warlord in a serfdom just being himself. The ideas are more limited than many may think.
            What amazes me is that so many want this way in 2012 as a way to be ruled, the presupposition is that we want to be ruled.
            Also there are alternatives, like a new third party in the USA based on ideas.
            Now for me, I prefer the vote, and a public education for the population, but that is just me.
            And I've made my peace, like many will die in the cold and hungry ways along the way of evolving to whatever our future becomes.

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