
Monday, November 26, 2012

Don't they know the tipping point has already been passed?
       All the discussion about the financial cliff misses the mark to me.
            Many decision makers had to make decisions about how to proceed over a year ago, at least to me. They had to use existing laws and regulations and taxes to help make their decisions.
            So why do so many seem to think they can go right up to the beginning of 2013 to get around to the forecasted fiscal cliff, and expect miraculous results immediately if they happen to change the laws and regulations and taxes just before then? Of course I point my thoughts towards our federal executive and legislature, but also many others, too.
            Now I read that any effort on the part of our federal executive and legislature, if successful in their mind, may ameliorate the worst of the negatives, and it may. When one adds in the "human factor", who really knows or can confidently say what will happen? Maybe the federal Senate will even pass a budget after three years?
            But for sure the "tipping point" has already been passed. The die has already been cast to say it another way.
            And to me that means 2013 is probably going to be a bad year, and I am planning ahead for such a situation, like so many who have to live in the real world. Mostly to me that means having food and warmth as 2013 begins during the cold season in the northern hemisphere.

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