
Saturday, April 13, 2013

       Now this is a subject we all know about

            I don't dare pretend I am some kind of expert on the subject.  We all have some experience with smells; some good, some bad.

            What I focus on are my own experiences; and my imagination about the importance of smells during any hard time situation, as after some natural calamity, like a local tornado.

            First there is the sex component. Lots of people enjoy the smells of "French" perfumes. Others in that vein, enjoy the aromas from lilac. Even others enjoy more "natural" smells like from smoke and sage. There is even marketing to smells for men. Often there is probably a learned aspect to this, and it is often cultural or situation oriented. And it is most pleasing to most people who experience this. Now once I did not like my experience, like being around old ladies playing cards who had too much perfume on, and my eyes burnt.

            Second there is often a "masking" aspect, like covering up other smells, like from smoking, or garlic belching.

            Third there is often a "morale" aspect.  Usually, and as an example, most enjoy the aromas from cooking foods, coffees, or whatever. Even the smells associated with being warm and comfortable often are good for morale, even if there is an associated lingering smell like from kerosene heating.

            Last there is often a "health" aspect, too. Most don't like bathroom-like smells. They often connote an unhealthy situation. Those who live near animals, like in pastures or chicken farms, know what I mean. Now often these smells are a sign of life, too. As a Marine, I have also smelled death. And I did not like it.

            So aromas, smells if you like, are important to most people for a myriad of reasons. A wise person would recognize this.

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