
Thursday, April 18, 2013

A seed for rebellion

            It bothers me that some people say they can ignore the law, and enforce only the laws they choose. Often these days I hear things like "because it is the right thing to do".

            I thought one reason we voted was to elect legislators and executives to pass laws. And I thought they took oaths to implement these laws as best they can. And I thought the people's vote reinforced those that do better implementing the laws than others do.

            Now if voting has become some kind of quaint ceremony, rather than how we the people influence things, then it is time for change.

            I am less interested in how our leaders think than how we the people think.

            I am particularly galled that people who are appointed, sometimes called bureaucrats, can arbitrarily decide whether to enforce or ignore laws.

            Even Presidential "signing statements" seem to ignore the laws, at least that is how I see it, and suspect many others do, too.

            I thought when legislators passed a law, and the executive signed it, it was sacred, like something to be enforced. And again, oaths are taken, too.

            Last, if the problem is "too many" laws and rules, then there are voting alternatives, too, like get new leaders. And last, one alternative is rebellion, revolution, civil war, whatever. Lord hope it doesn't get that bad.

            Rather let us, we the people,  "nip this one in the bud", using our votes.

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