
Friday, January 11, 2013

I cannot believe it worked out this way, so far
            I'm talking about the new world USA.
            And I am talking about simple things like official and unofficial racism.
            Even now one has to declare their race when filing government income tax forms. Even now Hollywood movies seem to have quotas for races, sexes, sexual orientations, etc. Even now one is supposed to vote based on their race or whatever, not the content of their character and what they believe. Even sports stars are supposed to be restricted to "their" race, or whatever. Even we in the USA have gerrymandering that often has race aspects that I abhor.
            Yep, I am a child of the 60's, and I still believe in the "Dream". Now even as a Marine, I know there are many good Marines from all backgrounds whom the enemy doesn't want on our side.
            Yep, we all have something in common as Americans.
            Now other cultures have worked integration out differently. I think of Brazil as an example. And it's not perfect either. Some of these things do take time, like generations may have to die off as part of change. And often it is just simply a clash of cultures, which only the smitten can work through in their lifetimes.
            So am I disappointed in how things have worked out so far in the USA? Yes! As my doctor's wife has said, we have a bunch of crummy politicians these days.
            And as one who has been taught that complaining is just fine, but also offer ways to make things better.  So I suggest offering  your ways to make things better, and then live with your decisions, and then die off. Just like me.
            And while I am alive, I choose to vote with my pocket book. That sure seems to work in most cases.
            And if my kid marries another person from another culture, so be it. That is their problem. And they hopefully will sort it out OK.
            Now that's the American idea, to me. That's what makes we in the new world USA different.

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