
Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Blush reports from the Cumberland Plateau in Tennessee
       Some of these are first, second, or even third blush reports, but so be it.
            I have a vote from Hilton Head, SC, that says go with a heating wood stove over a cooking wood stove. The logic is better to be warm first, and then one can use a heating wood stove for cooking, too. Bottom line, a heating wood stove takes less maintenance and time than a cooking wood stove takes.
            I have an old dog dying of old age. She should have died about a month ago, but still hangs in there.  Bottom line, her hind end has gone out, and it is kind of pitiful. And I do have to clean up her excretement, too. And fresh air in the room seems to help her, and me, too. What pains me is having to replace the cardboard under her periodically, which is painful to her, I think.  But I try imagine how the nurses handled me about five years ago after major surgery, and go from there as my example of how to do things.
            I think we are going down the tubes in the new world USA, and it will affect me and my Family, too.  There's nothing I think I can do, other than plan ahead as best I can.
            I am no vegetarian, but the idea of TVP (textured vegetable protein) appeals to me. Basically it is soy bean based, and has a long shelf life, and I can work on that idea. Most in America might know it as fake bacon bits these days, plus as a booster for many meals. And compared to meat going bad, TVP has advantages if times get hard.
            Last, in this blush report, even deliveries still work. Think USPS, UPS, and FedEx in the Cumberland Plateau case.

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