
Friday, August 05, 2011

Quid pro quo

Just copying from some emails today.
The subject, to me, is about the future of our country.
Here's the two posts.

Do you think it's possible to have a limited government and also meet the needs of minorities, environmental issues, and social services along with as much socioeconomic equality as possible?

Quick answer...of course.
Let me expand on one of your subjects, the needs of minorities, just to provide an example.
I used to teach at Atlanta University for three years, and truly believe in the diamond in the rough idea. The key idea is “harvesting diamonds”. But decades ago even the USMC had dual standards for qualifying, and the result was more minorities that could not compete with their peers, and got real frustrated, and bitter to boot. They told me as much, since I can connect. Now even I assumed they had been screwed in education because of their race. But in the same vein, all I wanted to do was defend the USA. On another occasion a Morris Brown college graduate (Morris Brown is part of the Atlanta University Complex) failed the ASVAB test to be a private in the Marines. Well I coached him on how to cheat the test, and you know what, he failed on the second test, too (there was a six month wait between tests). And he ended up crying in my office. I took it as an example of the college ripping off his parents as one consequence, and he was a bitter young man.
Later the USMC went back to one standard, and that worked better in the short term, the medium term, and the long term I think (since the long term is still happening around us).
One more thought. Why is government even involved in ideas like socioeconomic equality? You and I have one common knowledge of a person who filches off of the poor, in my opinion. His name is Adam Henry. I think there are better ways to help him, like keep him from starving and forcing him to work at minimum labor rates. And I don’t think the government is the best way to do this. There are alternatives I prefer. I even have some of government provided food saved as cans for when he ever comes back here.
Last I was already thinking about all this in composing my often daily post to my blog about my beliefs, based on my observing history as a history nut.
When things change, like the various future governments run out of money, and priorities change, then it might be a good time to review all this. What I predict for the next 10 to 15 years is that the various government services (school board, city, county, state, and federal) will have impacts that the voters, or revolters if it comes to that (I hope not) will make the changes. For one example, schooling our kids. To me the 3R’s are more important than teaching social theories, given that there is only so much time in the day, and school year. And I have lived other places that think this way, and even kids wear uniforms in public schools, which are 5 and 1/2 days a week to boot.
So nothing personal, but your exposure is somewhat limited, both in age, experience, and where you have lived.

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