
Monday, August 15, 2011

I can live with the outcome

Mostly because I have to. This is what change is all about...and often the unexpected consequences.

Here in the new world USA the conventional wisdom is probably right. The two National Parties of the last century will try to go on, and any effort to "change" things may split the Republican vote, and allow a Democrat to have undo influence, like get elected. So be it for the time in the near term, like until the next election.

Change does take time, and the aforementioned is one example.

Another obvious example that upsets so many is that many of the "outs" during the change period will simply draw a retirement. So be it. But even these people will get old and die, and hence lose their retirement check. This example is just another example of why change takes time.

Of course those in a hurry might opt for the revolution method, which is certainly satisfying to the leaders, though in the long human run takes about as long to effect its ideas, again in my opinion.

So for the short term thinkers, go for it, and you may be satisfied during your time in power.

For the long term thinkers, settle back and advance at the snail's pace you might observe or think, as frustrating at it is. But for sure change is coming, and actually has already begun.

Anyway, I can live with the outcome, which is obvious and predictable; that is change will creep along. Though still today, the method and timing are not predictable, though many may try, mostly in their short term way of thinking.

My idea and vote is still to go for the future you think is best, and then live with the consequences, which will probably be middling to many.

And hope you live long enough to influence the action where you live, or even get wiser in the same time.

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