
Sunday, August 14, 2011

I wish I had another choice

The first time I heard this expression was during the USA federal Presidential election in 2008. Back then we had two choices selected by the two USA National Parties.

Even my older brother, who I think is a savvy investor type person, asked me years ago what I thought. Even back in 2009 I predicted the rise of a third party, i.e., Americans wanted more choices than the two national parties provided. And to me, even the 2008 elections were about change, and change does take time in America, like about a decade.

In that time many political dinosaurs will go away. They may not be able to see change coming, or will resist it to the best of their ability. They are used to the status quo they grew up with, I guess. If you buy this idea, then it probably applies to all levels, from federal down to school boards.

I myself count on it, but that is just my opinion. In the inverse, if the two national parties fight back successfully, then that will postpone the inevitable American people's domination about what they and their families futures are here in the new world USA.

Yep the times they are a changin'. And you get to make it happen, wherever you live.

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