
Saturday, August 06, 2011

Conflicts of interest

I was motivated today to hear this idea is still alive and well.

At the local girls camp where my kid goes this summer, mothers are not allowed to go camping with their daughters. For obvious reasons I would say. Such was the report I got today.

Even three decades ago, as a federal purchasing person, I had to sign an annual statement that I understood what a conflict of interest was, and would avoid it.

Even back then we all took oaths, and actually applied them.

Words mean things, and still do.

And a conflict of interest was against the best interests of our Country. Business is business, one can think and say, especially when in a position to look out for the best interests of our Country, or even in the case of the local girl's camp; growing our young daughters compared to their Family influence most of the year. I suspect most Mom's and Dad's will be surprised when their kid is not in their making.

Now I also accept that elected politicians, and those who even run for elected office, go through this moral dilemma, too.

But my vote will be influenced by what I think is their moral turpitude. So be it. And there are many I think who think this way, too.

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