
Saturday, March 20, 2010

Why do puppies play

Because they can.

Why do they when they can…I don’t know.

Spring is starting to spring on the Cumberland Plateau in Tennessee. Maybe that helps? But also it is going to snow Sunday night or Monday morning, so much cold weather is still around. After all the humming birds left early during last September 2009 so I took that as a hint we humans and puppies may experience a long winter. So it seems to be happening around here.

Watching puppies play on this puppy warm spring afternoon is like watching an off-Broadway show, or a local play which is pretty much as entertaining, and thriftier. When I was younger I used to call my father cheap…now I call him thrifty. And he died in 2002, and I do still call him thrifty.

Today I and several others from all age groups spent more time opening a pit that may or may not work out as a cave. We used all legal means, just to cover my tail. Anyway, we hoped, in my words, to make it to China, but at the end we are still stuck in Putnum County, Tennessee. Teaching young men was the fun part of it today.

So it goes on the Cumberland Plateau in Tennessee on the time of the spring equinox. Perhaps we are more pagan than I imagined?

And the puppies are still playing. And it is still fun to watch.

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