
Sunday, March 28, 2010

The pendulum continues to swing

Aren’t we humans amazing throughout our world. We all seek governments; and there are so many like republics, democracies, royalty, tribal, nation states, and dictatorships; and such subsets as fascists, communists, socialists, capitalists, parliments, religions, and self serving ideas for the rulers in charge at the time.

And then there are many ways to change our governments to include common citizen votes, voting with our pocket books, migrations, revolutions, revolts, and subterfuge. The use of assassination and even sanctioned murder come to mind…hang the guilty so-and-so comes to many minds. This almost invokes the lynch mob mentality which we humans have also resorted to, like the much advertised French use of the guillotine.

And all this leads to the New World. Like here in the USA. Here a couple of hundred years ago we humans had a chance to “try again”. Since then we have been “trying again”. And we right now can still “try again”.

Now the trying again idea comes and goes. Like the title says, the pendulum continues to swing. The idea is the future of humanity, which is always uncertain for the obvious reasons, like we are different. I think all would agree that men and women are different, too. And so is the rest of humanity.

If you buy this idea, then one should pay attention to what we humans in the New World do. The pendulum continues to swing. There is much friction about, mostly over our progeny’s financial future, and that is enough to keep the pendulum swinging.

And how we in the New World can swing the pendulum is also up for grabs, it seems these days.

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