
Sunday, March 21, 2010

It is the human factor that would impress this voter

Said another way, do people still count…as in all of us.

Now I presently live on the Cumberland Plateau in Tennessee, and for a lot of good reasons we have had more than a fair share of now historical utopian settlements, to include recent one hippie type settlement that is in a second wave of effort…the first effort from California failed.

What seems to be the common thread of past failures, as in people move off, is that the humans who work hard eventually get frustrated and later more emotional about their other human neighbors who are their local version of deadbeats. These kinds of people choose to denigrate themselves as a way of existence. That is just the way we humans are, it seems.

My imagination suggests to me that this idealist communal principle is part of our human nature. But my now old age wisdom and experience also suggests the need to temper my humanity with some practicality. After all, I am a human too, and I have children and their children to think about, too. As hard as it is to admit, some humans are deadbeats, and I cannot change this as much as I wish it so.

And here locally, I understand the idea of why some people are poor. Some are truly poor, as in circumstances, like their mom and dad didn’t even teach them how to brush their teeth with the local water. But they still made their babies like normal.

But there are so many other local people who are poor because they are deadbeats. Often these days drugs are involved, but this is both another story and another way to be a dead beat. Of course the question of where does the money to buy drugs come from and the local answer is both: stealing, and well intended government welfare. For example, a local gal gets a $25,000 disability check from Social Security, and within a month $15,000 has gone to drugs. And later her brother has to collect her nightgown body passed out in a winter yard, and his ancestor who tolerates this is not strong enough to collect her up. As sad it is to report, this happens all too much.

Now any fellow human can think anything they want, and will I am sure. But I also can think anything I want, and I think that that any kids that don’t have a mom and a dad at their home have a strike against them. Now, like most, I am more than familiar with modern day arguments that kids do better with a single happier mom, than a contentious marriage. I just don’t buy this argument. Kids do better for our American future with a mom and dad at a home that they live in. And moms and dads have many reasons to be married, to include having kids that they promote in their own ways.

All the preceding logic suggests many human factor things. Any reader can make up their own mind about their values, and what is important to them.

I’ve got my values and ideas, and you have your values and ideas. This is so American as long as we can vote.

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