
Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Just who rules us these days?

Just who rules us these days?

       Is it the leaders or the hired workers?

            My focus was at any level, like federal, state, county city, even school boards. All was USA oriented.

            Bottom line, I could find a zillion articles on pay scale equivalencies, but very few on the qualifications of the hired people.

            What seemed lacking (to me)  were the qualifications and other such things about the hired bureaucrats who often suffer through trying to implement what our elected leaders try dictate through laws and policies and practices.

                                    Now some don't suffer too much. Even where I live some County bureaucrats get paid for walking an hour every morning. In the old days to improve one's health we did it on our own, and on our own time. Even similar things are going on at the State level, also. For example, a phone call to a recording machine took 3 working days to be responded to, and by a hired college contractor type by the way. The bureaucrats wouldn't even turn on their answering machine until almost two hours after work officially started.

            At one place I used to work at, we had PhD types who would advise what to do, but in the end it was the person on the tractor who really decided what was to happen. The intent was enhancing the wild quail hunting opportunities, for which we generated great income, though not enough to pay the bills. Now both implementers agreed on that idea, at least.

            So I think I, and really it impacts all of us, have found a big hole in the present setup of how we are ruled.

            My idea, really a preposition, is that we have many  not so smart, often poorly educated, and often poorly experienced hired bureaucrats who have much to do with our lives and how we are ruled.  Now that is a voter issue, at least to me.

            Last, here is one link I could find on describing federal USA employees:

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