
Monday, July 15, 2013

Is it the system or is it the people who are leaders in the system?

       I have three questions to myself to think about.

            1) Is the system flawed, and what should I do about it?

            2) Is the system OK, and what do I do about it?

            3) If the present leaders are flawed using the present system, what do I do about it?

Along the way, is our new world USA culture flawed, and if it is, what do I try do about it?

In the meantime,  should I prepare for hard times?  If I do so, how much of my time, money, and effort should be dual use? I just hate wasting my money.

Two examples of dual use follows. Can I make the two man fox hole into a kids' play house, too?  How much can I integrate my gardening efforts into my future grocery store food budgets?

Right now I know what I will do. It's called hard personal work, take care of my Family, and take care of myself, as best I can in all categories. And let things sort out. Said another way, I think I am on my own, like I have got to be able to live by my own wits no matter what sorts out.

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