
Monday, July 15, 2013

An eyeball story to think about

Do "they" sell distance glasses at the drugstore?

       Here's one opinion

             Yes --- and ---- No. Drugstore glasses can only have magnification in them. Magnification means that the lenses will have a PLUS power so as to help the individual read. BUT, if you happen to be significantly farsighted then your distance prescription will be a PLUS power. SOOOO, let's say your distance prescription is farsighted with a power of +2.75 in each eye. Then you would indeed be able to wear a +2.75 magnifier from a drugstore which would allow you to see clearly at distance. It would not be possible to do this if you are near sighted though. That is because nearsighted prescriptions are in MINUS power.


Me. I am an optometric physician.


Poster's comments:           

            What got my attention is a story about parents finding out their child cannot see very well. Obviously this will affect their education, as an example. 

            I hope the rest of us already know if this is the situation for young children. 

            So I tell my relatives to bring personal things if they try bug out to this place. I'll add prescription glasses to my prescription medicines in my recommendations. Fitted shoes and boots are also a very good idea. In other words, personal things that generic type things might not do well in helping us.           

            Worse case,  I might have to try barter for things I need and don't have. But hope is not a good plan.           

            Obviously, not being able to see well affects a lot of things, to include schooling, security, cooking, maintenance, medicine, reading, pretty much about everything.           

            Perhaps there is a better solution?

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