
Monday, January 15, 2007

Why do some Americans want us to lose in Iraq?

Do they understand the consequences to them and me and my progeny? I hope so in a negative sort of way.

Back to the subject. Help me on this as if I am missing something.

Good reasons to lose in Iraq.
A. We deserve to
B. I hate George Bush and anything he does
a. I especially despise his domestic agenda
C. The bad guys want it more than we do
D. Our American way of war is a loser
a. This especially applies to Iraq
E. One more time the 60’s marchers can have their way.
F. Our legal domestic defenses are not worth what we are giving up
G. He deceived us

Good reasons to win in Iraq
A. We deserve to
B. George Bush is a non politician President admired by many
a. I admire his legal domestic agenda
C. If 911 did not get our attention, just wait
D. Our “limited war” “best and the brightest” strategy is a loser
a. I agree. A new/old time strategy is obvious.
E. The 60’s types have confused ego from the past
F. Our legal domestic defenses are legal and well focused
G. He did not deceive us, and went through the UN and Congress process

Does anyone even remember and recognize that we have been attacked? Does anyone even feel threatened as to national existence, mostly our lives and our kids lives?

Does anyone accept the political rewrites of history and intentions and votes supporting the war in Iraq. This is like propaganda 101 practiced by the Nazis. I am especially disgusted at the National Democratic Party. Criticism is fine, but what is the alternative? The campaign idea of criticism to gain political power has now come home. So put up, or shut up. For me, 2008 is not too far away.

Does the National Democratic Party want us to lose in Iraq?

If not, how do we win?

I’ll listen to all, to include smooth talking devils and media masters.

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