
Friday, January 12, 2007

The American political world has changed, and is changing

Do our political leaders know it? Does the world sense it?

We are more than a run of the mill nation-state in our world’s history. The present immigration rates say it all. What our ancestors assembled on and wrote about as a Constitution is unique and special in human history on our planet. Now we get to live it in our time.

I suspect most of today’s immigrants come here for jobs. As always they bring along their culture. What has changed in this aspect? Little I think, since most are from south of the border, but at least 15% or so are from Asia.

Unless one is racially, or more commonly culturally prejudiced, America has a good deal. That is why we are the new world.

The implications to today’s political leaders are obvious. They may be superseded in time. Assuming they want to be reelected, compromises locally are expected.

What does all this mean to you and me today?

I especially resented our President Clinton bragging about this, since the horse was out of the barn, and he was in front of the wave he bragged about.

The world in America has changed. Our young and regular voting citizens are beginning to assert themselves. This is new to me. In the old days, the old people predominated the vote.

So what is new, and what is old?

Here lies the good news. One can read it today, but I will summarize. Our young people are stepping up to the plate to contribute to our way of life. In this there is hope for our future. And it is egalitarian. By the way, just like in WWII, our society needs all the help and brains it can get.

Here lies the bad news. Our old marchers who equate 60’s style marching with winning whatever the cause is, still get publicity in California.

What a waste of their old time and our present time.

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