
Saturday, January 13, 2007

Iran and the Middle East

Is there anyone who does not think that some of the Iranians have been killing us Americans for a long time, usually as part of their hegemonic policies of restoring the Persian past and their Shiite religious glory in the region. Of course, not all Iranians think the same, so this thought is best focused on the ruling elite since the Shah was overthrown in early 1979.

Now we are up to 2007. Does anyone think that the present “president” of Iran was not one of the young student leaders who did illegal and cruel things during the U.S. Embassy take over in Tehran in 1979. Author Mark Bowden presents a very good case for this. I agree.

To follow on, success breeds success. Later on the Iranians or their proxies killed 241 Americans in the Beirut bombing, plus another 58 Frenchmen in a similar bombing. Later they murdered by hanging Col. Rich Higgins doing UN Palestine duty. Now they are asserting themselves by killing many of us by IED’s funded, designed, and often built in their country and exploded in Iraq.

This is so typical of a cabal of Islamic fascists that takes advantage of western nation-state ideals to pursue their objectives. Given their unchallenged earlier successes, it even makes sense to keep it up. Their abuse of western nation-state practices includes using diplomatic bags for smuggling. These bags deliver IEDs, and this includes the goods, the ideas, and the planning. Ringleaders and subordinates are provided western style diplomatic immunity, as in a “get home free card”. Consulates are an especially good base from which to accomplish the cabal’s missions, since not all Iraqi neighborhoods and regions are friendly to them. Shiite mosques are another preferred choice of where to base.

We Americans often wring our hands out of frustration. We feel honor bound to things like the Geneva Conventions, our own ethics, and our just plain sense of good intentions and respect for others not like us. And we will continue to be frustrated because others do not always think like us, to include this cabal in Iran. Their normal thought is to see us as morally weak, or just plain stupid.

It’s a big world, and full of people, tribes, and nation-states that do think differently, have different standards of ethics, different standards of honor and respect, and different standards of warfighting. Add in the witches brew of the Arab world’s cauldron of problems, the dedication and megalomania of many of our Islamic fascist enemies, and even the cabal in Persian Iran has used its oil power to assert itself. But unlike many others, this cabal has felt emboldened enough to now become more overt, to include sending thousands into Iraq, and creating nuclear power without oversight and monitors.

Our previous American governments have kicked this problem downstream to where we are left holding the bag. And yes, the earlier policies that bring us to today had some good points, as well as bad points. We didn’t get here by accident.

The President’s strategy of establishing a democratic government in the Middle East is a good strategy for protecting our national interests here at home. It is a bad strategy if you are one of the numerous cabals, tribes, and nation-states in the Middle East because it changes everything in the region; and that change is threatening to these ruling people, and their business and energy partners in the rest of the world. This includes the cabal in Iran.

So where do we go from here? This especially means winning the peace in Iraq. To this simple male, peace is a local term, and simply means my family’s safety while I have a job. Other things like running water and electricity are nice to have’s. It was not too long ago that rural electrification was a big deal in America.

The President has announced a new course of action, strategy, and list of appointed players. So the answer as to which way to go has been answered for now. Let’s see if almost 50 years of “limited war” American “best and brightest” assumptions have finally been reverted and reinvented to just warfighting to accomplish a mission assigned by the President. To say my academic think tank and politician ancestors were wrong is not my intent right now. There are other ways to think.

Forget D.C. intentions. As a local Iraqi, I just want to see results that benefit my family.

The President’s changes in Iraq include dealing with the cabal in Iran, and that also answers that question. If he does what he says, then after decades of the Iranian cabal’s interference and killing in the region and the world, this cabal will come to an end. We will threaten, and destroy their continued existence. And perhaps the long awaited Iranian counter-revolution will finally occur.

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