
Tuesday, January 30, 2007

The USA’s place in the world

Whether our place in the world is good news or bad news depends on the beholder. I choose to try represent our progeny, and in this there is bad news. Their way of life in the future will different from our way of life, and many of them will have many less privileges, and many more problems. Their lives will look more like the third world, say Ecuador. And we present-day voting citizens are the cause of the present trends.


War to defend our national interests has been downgraded to unnecessary in favor of diplomacy, in all cases. The attack of Islamo fascism on western society, and the USA in particular, is a legal and diplomatic problem. There is no threat to our way of life, and all our responses to date are just overreactions. Given enough time, it will sort out somehow. Thank goodness we have a President who thinks otherwise! But I am waiting to see what happens?

Our Ivy League “worst and our dumbest” introduced the idea of limited war which we still use today. It still sells, unbelievably. While it had good points in its 1950’s time, it was and still is a loser to our nation. I just wish it sold to the other sides, which of course it does not. In fairness to our side, all of us are willing to fight, as long as our leaders have competent objectives they explain, and some strategy other than the failed limited war strategy from the 50’s is used. Right now I think our leaders still follow the limited war idea. Please tell me otherwise and political advantage will flow.

It gets worse for our progeny. Under the Clinton Presidency, we got into globalization in a big way. NAFTA is a good example. Globalization was originally an academic idea, and it seems like the Clinton group went that route as another strategy to dominate the world, not by military power, but by economic power and influence. The catch is all can play this game, and we and our nations laws and restrictions got beat out by those who, beat us out. Global companies owing no allegiance to anyone but themselves, rivaled countries, including our own. Was the Clinton Group idealistic, naïve, or overt? Along the way humans, mostly tribes, said no way. And why did USA unions be quiet?

The last foreign “get worst set of events” is the influence of China in buying influence and secret national technology. It appears their political contributions converged with the Clinton groups foreign policy objectives of reducing our power in the world to make us more militarily reasonable. This still hurts us, and our kids. If this idea seems silly, just after WWII the new Prime Minister of Great Britain gave Russia top of the line turbine engines as a good will gesture. Later these engines and their improvements in Mig-15s killed a lot of us Americans in Korea. The Russians had gotten a technology “jump”.

But don’t blame Clinton for all. Our uncontrolled entitlement programs will probably be the source of our progeny’s biggest problems. It will be an ultimate class warfare, but mostly a tax revolt. Just run the numbers, but bottom line, we and our present politicians have mortgaged our financial future. Sooner or later, we will break the bank. All ponzi schemes run out eventually. And of course just who do you think pays for our borrowing to pay the bills, today. Since we run a responsible financial system, one cannot just print money, it doesn’t work. The principle buyers of our debt or loans are foreigners, who see the return on their investment as a good deal, today. And today it takes 10% of our taxes just to pay the interest (by one report, but the reports are all over the place). My question for my progeny is what happens when our foreign friends quit buying our debt, be it for political reasons or economic reasons. Maybe the Euro will be a better deal in any given time. It seems like it is getting closer, like in our time. And maybe we present types will generate enough income to sort it all out, in the end.

What is a worse case for survival of entitlements? Our progeny pays 100% of their years efforts for government to decide in its redistribution to entitlement types. In this there is revolution. Speaking for myself, I would revolt. Yes, as most would do.

For those without revolt experience, just use the internet to remove yourself to imaginative living in Ecuador, and live in their world. Just don’t use the term… I am an American, I have rights.

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