
Monday, January 29, 2007

Are we overreacting to 9/11?

Thanks to a writer named spree ( ), I was sent to a link of a LA Times Op Ed entitled “Was 9/11 really that bad?”,0,7267967.story

Certain things came to mind as I read and reread the Op Ed. The author writes for the New Republic, and obviously can have the LA Times publish an Op Ed for him. Yet both publications have suffered declining circulations for years, and maybe this article is a hint why. Does the LA Times expect citizens to pay to read this kind of article? And both publications have suffered bouts with journalistic malpractice, so their credibility is already stretched.

And the author is a college PhD historian, and the concept of an educated fool comes to my mind. I picked up this expression from my father, and now I know why he taught it to me.

Why do I suggest the term fool? First he presupposes that until we hit 20 million casualties, the 9/11 attacks were small beans, in perspective. Then he presupposes we always overreact to threats from abroad, and always go full bore. The idea of measured national response never is discussed as our political leaders make their decisions about what to do. I don’t think he was being disingenuous. I just think the light bulb never went on. And then he states, yes the word is states, “it is quite different to suggest that they (the bad guys) can threaten the existence of the United States” that I really said: he does think another way. Nowhere does he discuss the concept of vital national interest.

To his credit, he does acknowledge how nasty these Islamo fascists are. And he discusses the difference between bad intentions and bad guy capabilities. This is all so basic, though.

Up to this time, I have been trying to figure if some of my fellow citizens don’t see the threat to us, our children, and our nation the same as I do. Now at least one citizen tells me we are overreacting and our existence is not being threatened, by his standards. This is foolishness of the first order, but there it is.

By personality and training, I act. I do not react. So I have no intention of dissecting his Op Ed, or even trying to convince him of the error of his ways.

Rather I see things a little more clearly now about how some of my fellow citizens just think in foolish ways, albeit sincerely. I don’t question his patriotism, but I do question his judgment. And thank goodness he only gets one vote.

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