
Tuesday, January 16, 2007

The trends of history and we Americans

There comes a time in one’s life when one commits to a belief in their life.

For me it was my countries ideals expressed through the 1960’s cultural revolution that turned many things upside down. It made things ride side up for me.

Much good and bad has occurred in the period from the 1960’s to today.

It has been an “opportunity rich” environment for those who believe in change for making things better, in their mind. Along the way some egomaniacs got involved and came to believe that marching equaled winning. Also along the way, some others did their best to accomplish the mission, and “make things better”. Many of them went to Vietnam. It was a hodgepodge in American terms.

Fast forward to today. There are so many Americans voting with their feet to serve our country in their way. It may be military, or the CIA, or even economic and environmental, but they have stepped up to the plate to serve with purpose and in their own way. In this there is hope for the country’s future.

Two comments come to mind right now.

If you are the President, you have a group to corral. Good luck. And they don’t all agree with you and the Republican Party.

If you are one of present National Democratic Party leaders, as in Pelosi, Reid, or Rangel, the picture is even worse. You got your position of power by the vote, but the elected representatives will send you another message. Old time politics the present leaders have grown up in have changed; they just don’t know it yet.

Trends of history as we live it today still wash over us. Much of the old world still living with its present problems are aggressively dragged over us. For me in Tennessee, I really don’t care as much about French problems, or even Philippine problems. We have enough new world problems. I especially resent the UN’s cover up of the oil for food program. It was just old fashioned graft stuck in our face, and inanely postponed in its present outcome by Kofi Anan.

Rejoining history, much has happened in the world to give us hope and not despair. The flow of information will: inhibit dictatorships, enhance reporting of environmental frictions, and allow women the vote. The last should change many things…I hope for the better, but doubt it during the next 100 years. And America will still be a bright shining beacon for the masses. This idea is from our idealists, not our realists.

Welcome to life and the ride. Only time will tell.

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