
Monday, February 02, 2015

More reasons to be worried

More reasons to be worried
-          Appeasement usually leads to war in the end.
-          I am worried about the consequences of unilateral disarmament.
-          I am worried about the preference given to diplomacy even as we disarm for whatever reasons.
-          We have a bunch of amateurs in charge at the USA Federal level. Just what they might do in any situation will probably reflect that amateur status. Often they tend to react vice act, which is Management 101 to me.
-          I am especially worried about any reaction of theirs to some terrible natural disaster.
-          We also seem to have a bunch of amateurs in charge at lower State, County, and even City and School Board levels. How they may have been elected or appointed or hired is a worry for me. We also have some pretty good people at these levels, too.
-          When the Federal Civil Service rules have made it so difficult to fire poor performing clerks and other such civil service employees, then the pendulum has swung too far. Even the majority of good performing clerks often get frustrated at observing all this in action where they work. For example, mentally ill people (sometimes civil service employees) can even threaten murder, and still be able to do so in the general population and roam about freely.
-          The feeling of hopelessness often leads to poor voting percentages, too. But the situation is not hopeless, and a good solution still is to vote. Now things may be screwed up a lot these days, and it will take time to turn the ship of state around.
-          I am worried that anarchy seems to even be promoted by so many leaders these days.
-          I am worried that charlatans have so much influence with some leaders these days.
-          I am worried about the return of a universal military draft vice the present volunteer military we have today. In that regards, the thought of my daughters and granddaughters now getting drafted in the future is a distinct possibility in the new world USA. Now I know some girls will jump at the opportunity, but I still have my own thoughts, too.
-          I am worried if it took us decades to get into the mess we in today, it will take us decades to recover. In the meantime we will most likely suffer the results, which will include too many unnecessary deaths before the traditional death from old age.
-          I am worried about the effects of any kind or kinds of nuclear war that may now erupt. I personally expect surprises as to the amount of nuclear weapons that have been built or purchased in the last few decades. This is way beyond the present small group of nations that “officially” possess nuclear weapons. The game is now much bigger than that.
-          I worry about the consequences of decades of dumbing down our populations. Said another, we have been doing bad things to our children when it comes to educating them even in the basics, like how to read and write. I am appalled at the now apparent ignorance of many elected leaders, even in their knowledge of basic civics.  That too has consequences that now affect me.
-          I am worried about the effective use of propaganda to rule. While propaganda does work quite well if skillfully used, the ultimate consequences are usually terrible in its effects on “we the people”.
-          I am worried about leaders even using lying as a way to rule.  I had thought we got through that method of governing during earlier times, but I sure was wrong, I guess. Said another way, and I am not very religious, but too many present leaders are too immoral, to me. I am worried about blatant lying as opposed to just plain ignorance, which surely abounds in many places, too.
-          I am worried that my own Golden Rule personality and instincts are now being truly tested, like to the point of revenge or just letting them die. I know it is to my advantage to help my fellow man, but if people “do it to themselves”, then I have a problem. Again I feel like I am being tested. And even I know you can “take a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink”.
-          I am worried that I and my Family and Friends may get dragged down in any kind of general collapse caused by others. I am also worried about other likely scenarios, like the “muddle through” scenario.
-          I am worried about the “reaction” of those who finally have their “own light bulb” go on after they have lost the most basic freedoms we Americans presently enjoy. Then they may decide to fight, and some may even decide to surrender. Both kinds of decisions worry me, mostly in its effects on me and my Family and Friends.
-          Educating our children is a “sacred responsibility” to me. I am worried that is being ignored more in favor of indoctrinating our children to some way of thought. Let me be crude. I worry we are now “cheating” our children’s education which should be setup for them to succeed and be happy in their own lives in their future.
-          I am worried that the distinction between intelligence, education, and experience is being skewed in favor of education. Most successful societies and tribes need all three to do best, like to succeed. We in the USA seem to have more than our fair share of educated fools these days.
-          Last, are my yard dogs defending their land or my land?  I don’t know for sure.

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