
Monday, July 15, 2013

A more rural story

Not all USA stories are urban

            Here's a rural true story.

                        A while back I had a have a heart trap set about two football fields and upwind from the where I live.

            Well, I caught a skunk in it, and the resulting skunk smell was pretty bad for a few days.

             In the interim, I saw the skunk once in the trap, but only shot it later with a 22. The odor was bad, like skunk like.

            Even later, the whole setup disappeared, so myself and my caretaker looked for it both above and below the bluff line. I always figured I might find a fox running around with a trap on its head, but with no joy in the end.

            So I got a new trap and even chained it to a tree.  Well, low and behold, I found a busted trap later, the chain broken, too;  and the trap empty.

            Now what did all this damage I still do not know for sure.


            One more rural story. At another trap it got to be like These local foxes can be crafty.

            But in fairness, I have caught many wild animals in traps, too. So we humans can be crafty, too.

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