
Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Letting go

It is a painful process when our kids leave the nest, and go out on their own. It is especially painful when the kids enter the USA military, which has it own pretty professional training in its own right. After all, parents and kids are both in distress, too.

My only unsolicited suggestion is to not bring any untoward attention to them, since they have enough problems already. This assumes they will grow in their own right beyond what parents have already done, which is pretty normal to most. And, having been through boot camp, I understand and respect what was going on, at least as it was to me back then. Now it is my kid's turn.

You can tell them till you are blue in the face, but in the end, they have to learn, too.

So let "em go. And wish for the best. Some will fail. Even most will not like it, and bail out. That's normal, too.

It's fun being an old guy these days. I suspect most moms and dads will die along with me in our time, and our kids will inherit the earth in the USA that they grew up in.

So good luck in letting go, or doing whatever you may want to do.

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