
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

It is easier to figure out what you do not like than what you do like

Said another way, most of us know what doesn't work, but trying to figure out what will work is tougher.

This an universal idea, I think. Many have heard expressions like "this dog won't hunt". Or in the military I often heard "reinforce success, not failure". In politics I have heard ideas like "politicians keep doing the same thing over and over hoping for a different result". And another idea is that we are tired of hearing good theories with no proven track record. Last one hears things like success has many sponsors, while failure has none.

And of course I am now hearing we in the new world USA just can't afford it right now, whatever "it" is.

The idea I like is that how we think about our Families and our Nations is closer to we humans than reported these days. Mostly, most don't have much time to think about these things since we are busy running own own lives and Families, especially putting thinking about Nation things but on a lower priority level; and for sure know we want to take care of our Families, and indirectly, our Nation, mostly for selfish reasons I think. So what's new?

The older one gets, the more time to think, or have past thoughts add up, I also guess.

The more difficult thing to most, I think, is how to be a good parent, and there the results and opinions are all over the place. One just does the best they can, and see how it sorts out, and often helping their progeny along the way. I myself have seen a lot, like Families indulging their children, and Families who practice tough love. Like I said, what we parents do is all over the place.

And this idea seems to be universal, whether it is the new world USA or Okinawa or Turkey, which is my experience level. And yes, I have been to many other places, but I consider my time in Sweden or Denmark, or Saudi Arabia or Kuwait, or Korea, or the Philippines, or Scotland, more a snap shot picture which I know not to trust.

So now I wonder, since I think of myself as a political junkie, just what is going to happen in both our new world USA future, both near term (like the next few years), and far term (like the next few decades)? Mostly I wonder for the basic reasons, like how does it affect my Family, and also how does it affect our Nation's future?

So back to the title of this post. I sure have confidence in what I do not like, and also what I do like, though less.

That sure seems like a funny way to think or rule, but that is just the way we humans are, I think. Savvy rulers know this. Less savvy rulers don't know this.

So can we run a Country a savvy way. I sure hope we can, as in we common citizens voting to influence our future, at all political levels (like federal and state and county and city and school boards), albeit as flawed as we humans can be. The alternatives are less attractive to me, or so I think.

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