
Saturday, July 30, 2011

It is time for a third party

I know the conventional wisdom, call it the status quo. All third parties fail in the end I am taught. And such is the record for the last century, I would report. Both present National Political parties say this, as well the National Media, which generally reports federal type "news".

But this time is different. This third party effort is based on an idea, not an individual, and his money. And I think this third party idea will come from all Americans, former democrats, republicans, independents, all.

That all this in under reported, or not recognized; sounds normal, like even during the times of the First American Revolution. Now we seem to be in a similar period. Call it "I wish I had another choice", maybe even a Second American Revolution. After all we are still the New World, which has shrunk, of course, but all we humans have left, which is still pretty good.

If this prediction is correct, then it will take time, like two or three election cycles, which I think of as two years per cycle. Some places are different, too. And this change I can guess at is at all levels, federal, state, county, city, and school board. For those impatient as to the pace of change, well do it your own way if you choose, and see what happens. I too am impatient, but know my own thoughts about the pace of change. And I am more interested in the change at more local levels, like county, city, and school board. Call this a bottom up effort to change things.

And the times they are a changin'. I suspect what Bob Dylan wrote now decades ago would apply today.

So I can also imagine I may have guessed wrong about be it. But I am confident that the times they are a changin'.

Mostly I want to help my Family anyway I can. I don't want to "share the wealth" with others, based on my lifetime of work and sacrifice which continues today. I especially am offended at others who want to do this. And since the government has gotten into the charity business with all it's rules, a lot of low lifes have filched off of the truly poor. I just prefer the more also established way of charity and helping the truly poor. And even this idea will probably take a third party. Where I live, I actually resent a 40 year old male who refuses to work, and still survives off of the government, and gets plenty of sex off of other low life local women.

So what is too happen. Even I don't know.

What I fear is that the voters, we Americans, may lose our choices, like what we want our future to be, to include our Families' future to be.

Hence, in my mind, the status quo will change, and it will be a painful process that will affect all of us, including me. Such is our place in life during such a time, but at least our future Families will come out OK in the end, I hope and think.

Like the title suggested, it is time for a third the USA.

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