
Friday, July 08, 2011

We're already ahead of the power curve

Here's the good news. We in new world USA America are still in charge.

The present economic problems will be solved by we new world USA people, not the present lightweights in charge. This idea probably applies to both the two present USA national political parties, but only time will tell.

Now in fairness, we in the USA did elect our lightweights, and they in turn appointed their own lightweights to help them rule.

Two ideas predominate. One is that the new world USA is still a better place to be than other places in our world. The other idea is that all this will take time, like until 2016, or even later. But for sure, change is coming.

I still imagine the change in the status quo will be resisted, often and by any means. But for sure, change is coming.

After all, we love our Families, and few will put up with those who will hurt our Families.

And I still believe change will come through the votes, rather than a revolution.

Hence, please vote, at all levels, be it school board, city, county, state, and federal.

And let's see what happens to our satisfaction, or maybe dissatisfaction.

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