
Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The status quo is changing

Now in fairness, nothing remains constant. Things like cultural values, empires, governments, business models, and even food preferences change routinely. In the same vein some things are probably more constant, like having retailers, feminine beauty products, and having to eat, and the desire to be warm with a roof over our heads. The obvious connecting link is we humans. And most humans want to be happy, which means good health and self respect to most.

But the rate at which the present status quo is changing appears to be quicker these days, and throughout the world. If you buy this line, then there are plenty of older examples, and plenty of opportunities to influence the change. Mostly the change is due to humans, but there are mother nature's wild cards, too.

And last, and as part of this primer, change can be both gradual, like evolutionary; and catastrophic, like a comet hitting the earth, or even a revolution. Both ideas introduce turmoil, and often many will die, though many will survive to emerge on the other side and the status quo then. And of course all this will go on ad infinitum.

So in a macabre sort of way, it is "interesting" to observe what is going on around the world, today. Certainly old western models are changing, to include the ideas of nation states, existence based on natural resources, and the results of governments over the last century. And certainly older world models are changing, too. This includes respect for older institutions, tolerance of the present forms of governments, be it tribal or dictatorial, as examples; and giving a higher value to deceitfulness than more western types value. I guess you have to live "over there" to believe this or even just observe this.

So what are we, whoever we are, to do? I suggest survive, and vote if you can to influence the action. If you can't vote, then use the other old time tried and proven ways to influence the action. Either way, the status quo is changing, and this is a good time to be alive just to be able to influence our human future.

Because for sure the status quo is changing. And the rate is quicker now than in our recent past, and probably will be in the near future, like until 2030 and later, when the rate of change may slow down.

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