
Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Short term gain...Long term loss

This post is about the USA.

I suspect many are fed up with what they read and hear and see going on. Apparently the status quo of two national parties seems to be a guiding factor is how things sort out these days. And the way I read the tea leaves, most USA types still think short term. This idea still assumes elected politicians think they run the USA, vice influence the action with their judgments.

And in the present status quo, skills at debating, posturing, playing poker with our future, and even lying to advance one's point, seems be appreciated in our national media.

These are exciting times for many. Even it is kind of like the time during the American Revolution begun in 1776. Obviously, the times and circumstances are different, but the human aspects are probably similar. Enough is enough.

I personally have the advantage of having a financial advisor that I consider to be aggressive, hard working, and short term thinking. I personally like him because he does sports, too.

But suppose others who loan us money to finance our wonderful USA way of life quit loaning us money. One example is if inflation kicks in, then if loaning the USA 10 billion USD's for a 300 million USD's interest income results in the principle being returned, but thanks to inflation only has maybe 7 billion USD's value, then that is a dumb deal most would not take. My long term guess is that the USA is about a year or two from that point.

So can we live without borrowing to finance our wonderful federal benefits? The simple answer is yes, mostly because it is going to happen, anyway. Call this more long term type of thinking.

The more interesting thing, or idea, to me, is how do we USA citizens react, since most will suffer some way. I don't know, but here is a guess. We'll vote for politicians at all levels (school board, city, county, state, and federal) who help this process along. If the vote is taken away, then a revolution will probably occur. My guess is that a fighting revolution will not occur, but at all levels of political ruling (school board, city, county, state, and federal) a new group of politicians will arise to do what we citizens want to happen, where ever we live.

My "another" guess is that a third party will arise to help this process along. I don't know what it will be called, but I am pretty sure it will be made up of former democrats, republicans, and independents who want to change all things, including the status quo.

So think longer term, like 2020 or so.

And let me define my "longer term". It is my kids, and their kids.

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