
Friday, August 01, 2014

Three Letters Re: Killing, Dying, and Death

 This was very well written and made salient points about mindset, which is the one issue that could nullify all physical preps in the future, if we don’t address it now.

I am glad M.H. returned safely and decided to raise a family. – D.D.

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Bless you M.H. for your candor and honesty. Most people cannot imagine the sights, sounds, and smells of war and death. Without that, experience is only imaginings. Nothing changes a person like “seeing the elephant”. It is a personal experience for each. There is not a right or wrong way. It is about getting on with the job. – J.D.

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Excellent article.

About the reluctance of so many to expose themselves to danger, he describes the human condition.

As an example from history, in the American Revolution, the militia was notoriously unreliable. If memory serves me, it was at the Battle of Cowpens that Daniel Morgan, after pleading with the militia the night before, was able to get a commitment that each man would fire at least two rounds before he ran. Mel Gibson’s “The Patriot” borrowed from this historical precedent.

I had this example in mind when I recently wrote about how a person would benefit after a societal collapse if they could simply get a computer nerd or soccer mom to fire a warning shot. – H.S.


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