
Sunday, May 11, 2014

Wild SWx Ballon Launch


Yesterday, May 10th, the students of Earth to Sky Calculus sent another space weather balloon to the stratosphere. The launch occurred in windy weather, which made the inflated balloon unusually difficult to control. In this video, listen to the reaction of the students as the balloon barely clears the roof of a house next-door to the launch site:

In addition to its usual sensors for temperature, altitude, and cosmic radiation, the payload carried four colonies of halobacteria. The students are exposing these bacteria to Mars-like conditions at the edge of space in a continuing series of experiments to find out if terrestrial extremophiles could live on other planets. Stay tuned for updates. So far so good: They survived the launch! Stay tuned for updates after the payload is recovered.

For the entire article and video try this link:


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