
Sunday, May 25, 2014

An American catharsis of sorts

An American catharsis of sorts

Perhaps what seems to be happening in our new world America is somewhat predictable?

After all, our Country is over 200 years old and seems to have evolved from even 100 years ago. Certainly its present people are different than during the times of the American Revolution that was the beginning of what we enjoy today. And certainly the idea of new world America is still novel in a much long human history.

And so many are still trying to immigrate here, legally or illegally, that one can surmise that there is still something good going on here (compared to their present elsewhere) that attracts so many people. And so many Americans still step up to the plate and volunteer and qualify to serve in our Country's military that provides some semblance of defense and even promotion of the American way of life and ruling.

What gets my attention is that I have lived both overseas, and in America more often.  And there is a difference in many societies I still appreciate and ever more respect for what we have in America today. It is pretty good. I like my way of life.

Some examples are physical. For example, I really appreciate being able to enjoy clean water out of the it for cooking, cleaning, or even going to the bathroom. Heck a majority of the world still uses pit toilets vice the flush toilets we enjoy in America, and many premier hotels overseas still have warnings about potable tap water.  And then there's the idea of the rule of law that makes us all equal, at least compared to so many other places where I have lived. Let me say it another way, I am an American citizen and I have my American Constitutional rights. Let me say it even another way.  In America I am innocent until proven guilty, but in many places I still have to prove my innocence because if arrested by a bureaucrat I am assumed guilty.

I should not have to say this, but what I speak of should just be taught in public schools through high School. Alas, I believe it is not happening these days.  Many parents still do, thank goodness. We as Americans (really our elected school boards)  are too busy tasking our schools  (mostly public with private schools often mimicking them) with other things that we are not born knowing or thinking or appreciating.  When I hear the expression about dumbing down our population I suspect it often has to do with not teaching civics and things like that that would cause our young people to appreciate what we have. Instead we teach other things as a higher priority.   I had a daughter take a course in "pet care", for example. Now look at all the sad reports one can read or even watch on TV news.

So are we having a catharsis type of experience going on, like in a Greek play? Perhaps?

So who needs to "square away" things?

While we have many wonderful elected leaders in our political system, we also have many more leaders who are spontaneously arising throughout America who sense another direction in this kind of catharsis.  Only time will tell how it sorts out in the next few decades.  But there is nothing  automatic about our wonderful way of new world American life.  We still have to work at it, in my opinion, and I sure hope future Americans will do just that.  And suffer financial inflation, too. Mostly I think it will continue to be hope for our children's happiness when they become adults.

In the meantime, FedEx just delivered (on Saturday) 1.5 cubic feet of Miracle grow good soil I will place in an above ground tire garden. I plan to then cut up and plant some starter potatoes (in the tire filled with soil) I already have so I can have many more potatoes to eat this fall and that I grow in the near future (this year's warm season) in this tire garden.

Just in case the catharsis idea sorts out another way.....

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